Limited opening hours during the summer

Limited opening hours during the summer

During weeks 26 – 33 (June 27 – August 12), we only handle urgent matters, and as fast as we can. Week 29 (18 – 22 July) we are closed, and other weeks you reach us via e-mail

We wish you a pleasant boating summer and holiday! //Team GSM Electric 

//Team GSM Electric

Industrialization & commercialization

Industrialization & commercialization

A newsletter from GSM Electric AB (publ)

After the new share issue in September last year, the board has been very clear: prepare for industrialization and outsource the main part of the production instead of it taking place in-house.

Furthermore, we prepare to market and sell our products as efficiently as possible through distributors in Europe. The plan is to prepare for volume production and effective marketing.

Documentation and new website

In the autumn of 2021, we focused our resources mainly on production by preparing documentation and reviewing drawings, as well as a large part on marketing with a new website.

We have changed our premises! That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for GSM Electric.

Our start-up under new management and moving from the workshop premises at Sockerbruket 7 to a well-adapted office at Sockerbruket 5 has meant a great improvement for our current operations.

Resource allocation 2021 vs 2022

Considerable time has been spent on administration in connection with the new share issue carried out in September 2021. In order to gain focus, further uplift is now needed: We see that administration and documentation work can be reduced, and more focus on sales is planned and prepared. As a result, more resources will be invested in production, marketing and sales.

Replacement shares

Previous shareholders in GreenStar Marine International AB have been offered replacement shares in GSM Electric AB and the majority have had their shares delivered. However, some have not responded to the offer, or provided incomplete delivery information. If you still haven’t received your shares, but are interested in replacement shares – contact us for completion and delivery.

Åsa Snaar
CEO GSM Electric AB (publ)

GSM Electric conducts a rights issue

GSM Electric conducts a rights issue

We plan for an increased market presence

Electric propulsion for boats has been developed and marketed under the brand GreenStar Marine for over 20 years. The founders were early on with the idea of converting diesel-powered boats to electric ones, perhaps they were a little too early.

The automotive industry is driving the development of batteries, which is a prerequisite for boat motors to be efficiently electrified as well. Today there are completely different conditions for electric propulsion.

Subscription period 13 – 26 September.

Read more about our rights issue (Swedish) »